donderdag 30 november 2023


I'm tired
surrounded by a wilderness of questions
being raised by timeless encounters
with opponents of the true word
who have nothing to offer or say

except for their unlimited rage for
the non agreeable
exposing their true intentions

I have no time
for their useless conversations
when delusion is their own
worst enemy .

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 18 november 2023


on a lazy Sunday afternoon
as I was walking along the river
I noticed the sun low in the sky
getting near the end of the day

so peacefully, gracefully dying
at that moment I became restful
burdens carried on my shoulders
seemed to leave me for a while

I sensed suddenly, nature took a rest
it took its time, leisurely came the night
and I melted down with the Universe
exploring the stars, lighting up the sky

a calm had fallen upon me at midnight
I was alone, at peace, down by the riverside
I realised this was really the way to live
took a deep breath, feeling so right

the water calmly broke on the banks
hear the cricket play its song at dawn
a rowboat was lying there on its side
I rolled it over and set out on the river

I never felt so at ease rowing the boat
my worries had dropped into the river
slowly I was getting there
to my little heaven
and when I reached it, I recognised it

it was early in the morning at dawn
I returned to the bank of the river
left the boat where it belonged
and walked back through the village

I had changed into another man
finally I had found the pace of life
I was never to carry burdens again
they had vanished at midnight

the river.

(c) JR. 2013

zondag 12 november 2023

Genade & Barmhartigheid

hij kijkt
om zich heen
ziet de wereld
hij het nog nooit
gezien heeft
in haar leugens
draait het in vlagen
om hem heen

is niet de eerste keer
zal ook niet de laatste zijn
het beest weer losgaat
wordt gekooid
tot bedaren gebracht

de aandacht 
opnieuw verslapt
het ijzer in de kooi
zijn kans grijpt
gesterkt in zijn overtuiging

is een vicieuze cirkel
eindigend in zijn begin
altijd weer een
nieuwe vloedgolf
van gezond verstand

die de wacht aanzegt
aan een beest
dat geen genade

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 3 november 2023


a strong fire is burning
yet, we cannot feel the heat
as we have become numb
to its inflicted pain
penetrating deep
into our societies

where nothing is felt
nothing is said
and all is lost
in our own

yet, a strong wind surges
a wind we cannot stop
is breathing change
surpassing inflicted pain
surpassing lies

as again
we get humbled
when faith
in ourselves is restored

and again
it strengthens our believes
for what we believe to be
right or wrong
in what should be
a reality

(c) JR. 2023