maandag 29 mei 2023

The road

I finally found you
on this road
waiting for me
looking for shelter
for some warm hay

and I know
we will walk this road together
this road, you chose to step on 
every step, you will ever take

and our journey
will it be long
will it be all the way

I don't know
this road
it has no promise,...

but I will be there
as long as you need me
as long as you are here
as long as you stay
it will be all of the way

and it will not always be
a bed of roses
there will be thorns
there will be obstacles
but as long as love guides us

life's confrontations
won't throw us
won't take us down
in any way

so when our days
have been lived
and our steps
have been satisfied
in their silence

our journey
will have come to an end
and this road will see
no more reason
to count our steps
and pave our way

(c) JR. 2023


zaterdag 27 mei 2023

Still wondering

sitting here, remeniscing
wondering what life's
all about
when no one's around
no one walking about
wondering, was it fun
was it troublesome
wondering, wondering
what went wrong

but I love life
the sound of children
the beauty of a sky
a sun going down
a quiet night
its morning sunrise

so still
I'm sitting here
what the essence of life is
I know, I don't know
all the don't knows 
and why's

but what I do know is
it was worthwhile
my wondering
wondering why

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 18 mei 2023


er zijn daar de dagen
met hun positviteit
vrede, onvrede, idealen
hun vredelievendheid

het zijn deze dagen
die wij koesteren
dicht bij ons hart houden

wanneer het negatieve
de onvrede
en zijn vredeloosheid
onze idealen aantasten

zij geven ons
die wilskracht
om altijd door te gaan
wanneer de wereld
in ons leven
van hoogtepunten
en diepe dalen
aan ons voorbij dreigt
te gaan

het zijn deze lessen
in ons steeds veranderende 
die ons maken
van wie wij waren
tot wat wij zijn geworden

zij halen
het beste in ons
naar boven
waardoor wij uitgroeien
tot iets
wat anderen

inspireert, aanmoedigt
en uitdaagt
eigen idealen na te streven
ook de beste versie
zichzelf te worden

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 6 mei 2023

What went wrong

I wonder what went wrong 
after the sun set
and the night came along
I wonder what went wrong

I see the stars dive through the sky
I hear the night howlin' out of line
as its darkness is at a all time high
I see the stars dive through the sky

I wonder what went wrong
after the sun set
and the night came along
I wonder what went wrong

so if you wonder what went wrong
look outside into the night
see if the stars dive through the sky
and see if its the answer you can find

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 4 mei 2023


sitting here in this field
where the green has no say
wondering why the sun
is shining
in its deplorable grey
guessing midday will come
as my morning
is still so far away

I will walk
of into its dessert
where life
can be a living hell
in decay
knowing it will be a while
and I won't give in
life again has come out
and invited me to play

as I am
only one day away
from starting out
for that new life
that's waiting outside
this world of violence
I will always be
the one
that will take on
the odds

when you see me
walking down that road
of survival
almost dead to the world
with a smile on my face

you will know
what I've done
when called upon
will do again

(c) JR. 2023



is een eens
zo vertrouwde
maar nu zo
ontrouwe trouw

het zijn deze aspecten
van zijn beleving
een nieuw ontstaan vacuüm
ongeëvenaarde stilte ingaat

waar eens eerst
heftig gevonden emoties
nu weer afstoten

is het een
ontsprongen traan
een fractie van
zijn intense mineur
laat zien

(c) JR. 2023