zaterdag 29 juli 2023

Royal Flush

het zijn de donderslagen
die stil vallen in hun nagalm
zonder naar hun plaats
in een verdwenen paradijs
teruggewezen te worden

weer een nacht
waar zij de stilte verstoren
slaap niet meer gaat worden gevat

het is dan de morgen
die met zijn geforceerde kalmte binnenvalt
hoelang nog voor dat de nacht zich
in al zijn eenzaamheid terugtrekt

en de morgen die ander verwacht
waarna het leven zich aanpast
zijn kaarten opnieuw schudt
begint met een Royal Flush

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 27 juli 2023


when the shadows 
of his thoughts
show themselves to him
he thinks it is nothing more
than an upset of the heart
as he pretends not to feel
the air his hands hold

where again it is
the love once there
until he no more
in his burst of pretence
can ignore it's gone

he had not been aware of
'cause pretence is a solution
for a sanity to remain sane
when everything else
has become 
an intolerable madness

as his pretence became
the only game in town
the shadows of his thoughts
now show themselves to him

asking him why he thinks
it is nothing more than
an upset of the heart
as his pretence in the end
is the only thing
that will not make him win

it will be common sense
that will rescue
and make him laugh again

(c) JR. 2023

dinsdag 25 juli 2023

Once so beautifull

when the feeling's gone
and you're left
with nothing more to give
nothing more to share
nothing more to have

following the steps
of your thoughts
the tender words said
are now lost

all the love
once so beautiful
has come to pass
in an convenient silence
now so sad

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 20 juli 2023

Vertrouwd duister

de laatste stralen
van een dalende zon
wegzakken in de koelte
van een naderende avond

in de ontsprongen rust
vogels zich alweer
aan de toesnellende nacht

waar zij eensgezind wachten
om hun plek weer te vinden
in het vertrouwde duister
dat hen opnieuw

(c) JR. 2023

Walking away

walking away
from lost sunshine
lost in all its arguments
and answers it doesn't have

walking away
from untrue loyalty
because it always stops
and ends somewhere

as words once said in confidence
are now in danger of being

and your world
crashing down on you
is no more the world
you had

walking away
is the best option 
you have

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 14 juli 2023

No matter what

a rose is a rose
no matter what
she will always give
het heart

she can laugh
cry in the shade
she can be vulnerable
shy away


she will always care
always share
the love she has

'cause a rose is a rose
and it's all she got
no matter, no matter
no matter...


(c) JR. 2023

dinsdag 11 juli 2023

Vele wegen naar Rome

er was geen weg
die hij niet belopen had
wegen vol succes, vol smart
van vervallen roem
van nu en toen, opgebroken
verlaten wegen
wegen die zich 
met een kruispunt  deelden
hij had ze allemaal gehad

maar nu zit hij op een weg
een weg
waarop hij niet meer terug kan
een weg
die afrekent met de goede
en minder goede
de met strafrecht belopen wegen

de wegen 
die naar een kruispunt leiden
een kruispunt in zijn leven
met nog
niet bewandelde wegen
die voor hem open staan
waar hij eerst rekenschap
voor moet afleggen
om verder te kunnen gaan
de grote schoonmaak 
van zijn geweten

waar spijt, verdriet
omzien in wrok en
egotripperij om elkaar strijden
waar op de valreep, geluk
en wroeging
een nog ongeschonden weg
kunnen inslaan
waarna de weg
van vergeving
voor hem open ligt

helaas zijn er
vele wegen die naar Rome leiden
er zijn er maar weinig
waar hij op terug kan gaan
en een nieuwe
niet bewandelde weg
kan nemen
het is maar voor welke hij kiest

(c) JR. 2023

maandag 10 juli 2023

A man of many seasons

on a Sunday morning with the sun out and children at play
a man of many seasons, stares into the distance where silence
is the only thing, that will survive in this wilderness before his eyes
as his mind is wandering back into his younger days, of strife, drive
and its ultimate goals of sacrifice on the road he had taken

where meeting obstacles, rising up to its confrontations
were a way of life, taking him further onto his road to the top
where he would leave his mark, at the finish line and he did
eventually he did arrive, his fortune made, his life complete
with a 'Running mate' by his side, he had done it all, everything
he had set out for to do, it was there before his very eyes

now happiness, can be a way of life, your state of mind
or, 'The love of your life' by your side, living the happy life
but keeping it, maintaining your 'status quo' , is another thing
he didn't reckon on, he got bored, was there nothing more to life
than this to strife for, was this what it was to be, no more
excitement to find or feel

his focus gone, things started to fall apart, his 'Running mate '
jumped ship with the kids, it all ran aground, a ship was wrecked and lost
down an' out, he wondered what went wrong, maybe taking it all for granted
was a mistake he hadn't counted on, a mistake he should never have made
but then again, mistakes are a part of the game, a tool for learning' a tool of
staying ahead of the game, 'cause they always will be there, always waiting
to strike on any given day

and he did learn, lying face down onto the ground, he started getting back up
getting back onto this road, he had started out on and strayed from, much older now
he knew , time was working against him and many battles would have to be fought
getting his business back on track, making it profitable, reliable and strong again
giving what he had worked so hard for, a new reason to stay and it did it found
solid ground, he was back on the road again, now life almost never gives 
second changes, this time it did and the man of many seasons, had learned his lesson
of the mistakes he had made

now looking out from his porch on a Sunday morning, with the sun out and the children at play
into the distance, where silence is the only thing that will survive in the wilderness before his eyes
he knows he has learned the hard way, but he will never stray again, even into his old age, he will
always stay ahead and at the top of his game.

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 8 juli 2023

Best Friend

when the night closes in
and the sun's found 
a new place to go down
a deafening sound of silence
is heard
as the love for life has
found no more grounds
to stay around

what remains is an emptiness
looking for a new place to dwell
it shouldn't be too hard to find
when every dark corner
has its own sound
of what loss of life
can be about

only the will to survive
is the reason
it doesn't always achieve
what it's aiming for
sometimes, darkness can be
the best friend you ever found
and its loyalty as always
will stick around

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 6 juli 2023

Even a silence

long into a silence
he sentenced himself to
goin' into a retreat
for something
he thought he should

is now coming back to him
more than he ever knew
more than it ever should

'cause a silence
should be a silence
even a silence
should be silent to

(c) JR. 2023

zondag 2 juli 2023


er is geen weg
terug van weggeweest
geen weg die aansluit
op een verloren verleden
geen weg die aan die weg
zijn neutraliteit verleent
er doorheen te reizen

zijn daar achter gebleven overblijfselen
zullen niet meer herkent worden
omdat de toekomst en zijn verleden
altijd de tegenhangers blijken te zijn

die zich vormend blijven afstoten
in de onzichtbaarheid
die zij met zich meedragen

(c) JR. 20223