dinsdag 24 april 2018

River deep mountain high

bein' barely twenty cast down over
the edge of my own abyss hangin'
on just runnin' its gauntlett ev'ry day
swimmin' in the dregg of its ebb

smothered by the waves of its tide
kickin' an' growlin' at the immobility
that's stoppin'you, is there still one thing
drivin' you on , your drive to survive

your conquest over mind an' time
the failure of a hammered body
guarantees are none or just lost
in time, one word keeps comin' to

'survival' somethin' I never heard of or did I
but it's all you have nothin' more nothin' less
with time pressin' on is recovery  a withered
leaf hangin' in the wind, with that thought in
mind its creation is yours to have

the future a vision in its own time a next day
its only purpose and your 'survival'  is as allways
a case of dyin' cryin' out for you ev'ry day your
next day a God sent gift never tried days, years
decades, cling like a cloack all the way

a ghost of the past, livin' your yesterday but
it's all you have an' ever got, I hear a tune
driftin' in on the wind it's 'River deep moutain high'
thinkin' is this for real, is this meant for me
my life a collection of notes in a once time hit

I must have known what I did without ever knowin'
what I did it was my salvation what did I mis a lot
yet now not of the importance I got a second chance
where time is of the essence, bein' it all I've left so I
outlive my days one at a time, enjoy, 'till time overtakes
me again and grants me my place in the sky

(c) JR. 2017

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