donderdag 29 juni 2023


she's leaving
he sees the signs and he knows
her words spoken of love leave her lips
in complete emptiness

she thinks
he still believes them but he doesn't
as he hears her words hollow and bleek
disappearing into their loneliness of meaning
trying to reason with no reason

he knows he won't succeed
so he cuts his losses, coming out on top
stopping her barrage of words
with a promise in the end to be again
the person he used to be

(c) JR. 2023

Pleasant ways

 on a day of pleasant ways

I will drink your tea of happiness

an' its leafs will tell me how much

you're caught up in my sea of


(c) JR. 2023

zondag 25 juni 2023

Once a love

he's sitting there
in the aftermath 
of his thoughts
thinking about her
as her memory
mature like a fine wine
comes to mind

and tasting her lost bouquet
drowning his sorrow
into reminiscing
a love that once was
and never came again

he knows there's nothing
he can do nothing to keep
these memories away
tasting them

every time 
time after time
again and again
of once a love
that never came again

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 24 juni 2023


she's all he wants
his woman, his love
his confident

she will show him
what her love's made of
when she makes her move
giving him all she got

and his soul reaches out for her
showing her what he's made of
giving her all he's got
promising her even more...

than his love

(c) JR. 2023

Wereld van stilte

Een stem zwijgt...

een wereld van stilte begint

Celine Dion sings no more.

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 15 juni 2023

Geestelijke Omslag

als de reden 
geen reden meer heeft
na een vastgelopen vertrouwen
opnieuw te vinden
in het geschonden, braakliggend land
achter de horizon
van een door
een geestelijke omslag
verloren hart

is het beter
het emotionele slagveld
te verlaten
de rust van een nieuwe 
gecreƫerde Status Quo
op te zoeken

om dan op een opnieuw
geplaveide opgebroken weg
naar zijn einde toe te gaan
zodat ook de toekomst
weer een kans krijgt zich
na verloop van tijd
met een hoopvolle glimlach
te kunnen presenteren

(c) JR. 2023

woensdag 14 juni 2023

Chasing time

he's chasing time
just a game, trying out life
wondering where she is
when it all comes down
to his best days leaving town

and he's waiting for her
taking chances he hasn't got
asking questions
where answers are not
and when the silence comes
he knows what he has lost

and all the new tomorrows
cannot bring her back
and all his yesterdays have
come to a past disappearing
into a late afternoon's sun
going down where they said
their goodbye's
still chasing time

(c) 2023

dinsdag 13 juni 2023


when the sun's down
and night breezes in
he thinks of her, the one he knew
still admiring whom she was
how it went down and did end

as it took so long to build
and then faded so fast, when he confessed
what he felt, in his heart, soul and thoughts
as he knew she could never stay

and yes, she turned away
to where she should be and remain
it was the road he had chosen to take
being able to move on, as he should
but never leaving behind the love
he cherished, confessed and knew

(c) 12 juni 2023

maandag 12 juni 2023

The dancer

when life's the dance you've always wanted

and the melody of its steps, 

step in,  and take control of your heart

there's nothing so fulfilling 

when you're in full swing that life's the dancer 

who will never part while you're in charge

(c) JR. 2023

Fall back

young, starting out
not knowing life
what it is
and is not about
he fell, face down

life changed
and taught him
a valuable lesson
he would never forget

when you're weary
and down on your luck
'fall back, regroup
start over again'

so he stepped up
looking towards
a future
in which he would
not prosper as he should

his goals
now different
were still goals
he was aiming for

he knew
when you're weary
and down on your luck
it never is too late
to fall back, regroup
and start over again

following a path
necessarily celebrated
by the happy few
who couldn't see past
their limited notion

of what it means
to succeed
and he did succeed
in many ways
and it has brought him
where he is today
in everything he has done

willpower is the key
to everything
when you're weary
and down on your luck

it never is too late
to fall back, regroup
and start over again

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 2 juni 2023

Sad sad world

 a sad sad world

with its lonely tears


'till the morning comes

(c) JR. 2023