dinsdag 6 februari 2018


it doesn't touch
it can be tough
it can hit hard
the hand of a woman

kickin' dust is my life
I sleep in it I weep in it
'till it's mud for a while

kate, hell of a lady
took me down memorylane
took me into the past
there were children
a house, rent
she just didn't see
it my way
I left

not an empty head in the room
they were so intelligenr, they
weren't all born with a broom

she's like a leather bag
full of skin and a lot of class

she's like a paperbag
full of air and nothingness

a whisper's in the air
going through the galleries
keeps hangin' there

sometimes walls do hear
and carry it through to
the house most near

a whisper in the galleries
has destroyed many fears

I have no tears
for eyes that see
yet are blind

I laid my hand on the tombstone
as I had done so many times
out came a cry you spoke to me
from beyond the skies

ev'ry conversation a battlefield
ev'ry word a sword into the heart
how can you expect any love

wees nog één keer onstuimig
zeg nog één keer
het is te gek geweest
wat je vind is iets
wat je altijd al bent geweest

'Lost in disbelieve'

I wouldn't know
I didn't believe
you were happening to me
yet I saw
I was led like a horse
with no destination

I was lost
lost in disbelieve
this was happening to me
what began so sincere
was merely a fairy tale
you were happening to me

it shouldn't be it never was
what it showed to my eyes
I had it made you made it
a lie

(c) JR.

should I let it come to me
it came in a flash
for an instant I was happy
for an instant I was there

I tasted it it was sweet
with a sour taste I knew
it couldn't be real

'Hot Summer Love'

those hot days of sumer
they're here again and I'm walking
trying to catch the shade
where I know you'll be lying
waiting impatiently

one always is
Hot summer love
waiting to be caught
at the right moment
at the right time

in the right place
passion in the shade
will it stay
don't think it will
'hot summer love'
a thrill

(c) JR.

my soul is dying
my heart does not know

she's in doubt
doesn't know what to choose
happiness, a home,
but freedom too

it isn't for me
to shed some light
in this chaos going on
in her mind

not for me to decide
if she'll have me by her side
she's in doubt, so am I
if we'll ever be

a chance of a lifetime
nobody's there to make us care

(c) JR.


your still the girl
I took home
twenty years ago
I wouldn't have missed a day
for the bad times, sad times
good times

we sailed along
arrived safe in
this day and age
with an experience
no one can take
still the same
still together
with you

something strikes me
I've seen it coming
showing some lines
don't care a dime
I see beauty
surround your eyes
nothing can take away
your soft embrace

(c) JR

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