zondag 31 december 2023

Clear as glass

nothing compares to
the music of the soul
it can sing as loud as it can
and sometimes it cannot
be heard by 'men'

but when it keeps on singing
and its intentions are loud and clear
it will be heard and if love's the case
its music will not be deterred

it will reach
each and every single part
of someone's heart
and its message
will be clear as glass

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 28 december 2023

Things are a changing

he looks up to the sky
for an answer
but nothing gives

disappointed he turns away
left with turbulent words
and a los of a peace of mind
by his side

as the sky breaks
it delivers its promise of words
words he will never hear again

and once again
these words are the words
that have him saved

they saved him
to go on with his life
giving him the strengt
and endurance he needs
as again he will survive
against the odds of time

things they are a changing
into his favor
as they always do
every time...all the time

(c) JR. 2023

maandag 18 december 2023


when the soil in your soul
sometimes becomes soft and then again hard
the soil in your life sometimes will become
soft and  hard

and when you step into its darkness
it can lead you to that new light
you've been waiting on as your future
unfolds and expands itself  into whatever
it chooses to be

so when it does, the soil in your soul
sometimes, on occasion can be soft and hard
as the soil of your life can be 

as your future unfolds and expands itself
into something, whatever it chooses to be
as you might disagree if it is the choice
you need.

(c) JR. 2023 

zondag 17 december 2023


als de nacht
zijn lied heeft uitgezongen
en de morgen zijn refrein
opnieuw heeft aangepast
zijn het toch de noten 
van afwisseling
die de dag weer overvallen
met hun muzikale kleurenpracht

(c) JR. 2023 

vrijdag 15 december 2023


Er is iets 
het is moeilijk toe te geven
en dat is tijd, tijd glijdt
tijd is een versneld, hellend vlak
zo wie zo, zo weer voorbij

tijd heelt 
tijd veroorzaakt mentale wonden
die helen, maar soms ook weer niet
tijd vraagt, om er dan maar
mee te leren leven
maar soms ook weer niet

de tijd...ze neemt ze mee
en als de tijd, tijd heeft
dan laat zij ze alsnog achter
ergens in je achterhoofd
om ze te vergeten

een plaats
waar je niet meer elke dag bij kan
maar... wel nog steeds
in die vergeethoek aanwezig

de goede en leuke momenten
zij staan 
nog elke dag vooraan te trappelen
blijven in een herinnering staan
het is hun ingebouwd agressief positief
waardoor tijd, de vriend is die er altijd
voor je zal zijn

een vriend die je meeneemt
en ook altijd weer met je doorgaat
ook al is dat buitenaards

(c) JR. 2023

zondag 3 december 2023

Heel rationeel

denk ik heel rationeel
waarom zou ik 
de gordijnen open doen
het toch weer donker wordt

omdat het het licht 
in mijn leven is
het licht is van iedereen
dus denk ik 
heel rationeel
geniet er van 
en als het uitgaat
neem je het 
heel rationeel 
gewoon mee

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 30 november 2023


I'm tired
surrounded by a wilderness of questions
being raised by timeless encounters
with opponents of the true word
who have nothing to offer or say

except for their unlimited rage for
the non agreeable
exposing their true intentions

I have no time
for their useless conversations
when delusion is their own
worst enemy .

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 18 november 2023


on a lazy Sunday afternoon
as I was walking along the river
I noticed the sun low in the sky
getting near the end of the day

so peacefully, gracefully dying
at that moment I became restful
burdens carried on my shoulders
seemed to leave me for a while

I sensed suddenly, nature took a rest
it took its time, leisurely came the night
and I melted down with the Universe
exploring the stars, lighting up the sky

a calm had fallen upon me at midnight
I was alone, at peace, down by the riverside
I realised this was really the way to live
took a deep breath, feeling so right

the water calmly broke on the banks
hear the cricket play its song at dawn
a rowboat was lying there on its side
I rolled it over and set out on the river

I never felt so at ease rowing the boat
my worries had dropped into the river
slowly I was getting there
to my little heaven
and when I reached it, I recognised it

it was early in the morning at dawn
I returned to the bank of the river
left the boat where it belonged
and walked back through the village

I had changed into another man
finally I had found the pace of life
I was never to carry burdens again
they had vanished at midnight

the river.

(c) JR. 2013

zondag 12 november 2023

Genade & Barmhartigheid

hij kijkt
om zich heen
ziet de wereld
hij het nog nooit
gezien heeft
in haar leugens
draait het in vlagen
om hem heen

is niet de eerste keer
zal ook niet de laatste zijn
het beest weer losgaat
wordt gekooid
tot bedaren gebracht

de aandacht 
opnieuw verslapt
het ijzer in de kooi
zijn kans grijpt
gesterkt in zijn overtuiging

is een vicieuze cirkel
eindigend in zijn begin
altijd weer een
nieuwe vloedgolf
van gezond verstand

die de wacht aanzegt
aan een beest
dat geen genade

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 3 november 2023


a strong fire is burning
yet, we cannot feel the heat
as we have become numb
to its inflicted pain
penetrating deep
into our societies

where nothing is felt
nothing is said
and all is lost
in our own

yet, a strong wind surges
a wind we cannot stop
is breathing change
surpassing inflicted pain
surpassing lies

as again
we get humbled
when faith
in ourselves is restored

and again
it strengthens our believes
for what we believe to be
right or wrong
in what should be
a reality

(c) JR. 2023

maandag 30 oktober 2023


when they are

the wrong choices you make

their consequences you will await


if you behave like an animal

you will be treated like 

an animal

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 27 oktober 2023


als een ongeslepen
zich de geboorte
van een engel

zocht zich
een onvoorwaardelijke

een weg 
naar zijn hart

(c) JR. 2014


pas in slechte tijden
is het dat
de mens zichzelf kent
hij wordt uitgedaagd
van zichzelf versteld 

de kracht
die hij dan opbrengt
is niet die van een mens
zijn woede brult door
het heelal
zijn beschaving afvalt
hij weer wordt het dier
zijn instinct zegeviert

hij moet overleven
weer mens te wezen

(c) JR. 2015

woensdag 25 oktober 2023


Sometimes all you have to do is smile
to make someone else's life worthwhile.

(c) JR. 2023

Yet, another day

I hear the sound
of a new morning
reaching out for me
with no knowledge
of what it will bring,...
another sacrifice
just a day like
any other day

I open up my eyes
the horizon 
of my thoughts
is slowly disappearing
into this new day

I welcome the sun
like a long lost friend
shining outside as
it is coming back
into my life
I then
have to acknowledge
how lucky I am to yet
add another day
to my life
and I know

there will be days
another sunrise
but all of them
in a way
are special to me
as this day will be

when again I will rise 
against the odds of time
and enjoy the goodness
yet another day

(c) JR. 2023

dinsdag 24 oktober 2023


Ik kom een vriend tegen
zo van, hoe gaat het 
en ik , ja... met mij gaat het goed
maar wat kijk je somber,
 ja ik heb een hoog libido

ben je dan niet bang 
dat je er van af valt
dat kan verkeerd uitpakken
't is vreemd maar 
ik heb hem de laatste tijd 
niet veel meer gezien

(c) JR. 2023


wanneer een vlag 
in zijn halfstok bestaan is gehesen
en zijn reden dan ook 
evident zichtbaar is
zullen zijn agressors diens waarheid 
maar al te graag
onder het tapijt willen vegen

(c) JR. 2023

maandag 23 oktober 2023

zondag 22 oktober 2023

Good Times

You will never know when the good times end
but you will always know when they did start

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 20 oktober 2023

donderdag 19 oktober 2023


once very wise said
'we don't need no man'
they heard you
most men 
are now going their own way


Verbal warrior.

woensdag 18 oktober 2023

zaterdag 14 oktober 2023


life will only last
long as life will

until then
will be on our side

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 13 oktober 2023


we're tired 
just plain tired
all their lies
all their double talk
doubtful richness

for money
money you don't have
they want to possess
norms and values
not there

ruling with disguised 
political ties
paying for their
deplorable lifestyle
endless made up lies

paying for habits
no law would satisfy
asking for a support
no one will support
where they will stay 
and be rich
throughout their lives

they're the rulers 
ones we chose
the truth was unknown

they were not 
made this way 
by how they lived life
were born this way
born this way
each an' every time
all the time
seeing us as a sacrifice
to keep them satisfied

we're just plain tired
keeping them in line
the ones 
to whom this applies
should be forced 
to resign
do time

(c) JR. 2023


dinsdag 10 oktober 2023

A promise

I met her once
maybe twice
somewhere far away
in a land of courage
fallen souls

she was
a mysterie to me
and somehow
she knew me
from a far away place
where she used to stay
of which
I couldn't recollect 
its name

talking to me
taking care of me
in a pleasant way
nourishing my soul
taking away
my weariness
of my battles 
of every day

I felt so at ease
her taking care of me
she whispered me 
her name
I couldn't 
hear it too well
but understood
by the expression 
on her face

she was 
promising me
if I wanted
she would stay
be my queen
my support
in every way

I knew 
I had found the one
I was looking for
the one 
that would remain

her speech
was getting softer
her face was starting
to fade

there was 
a ring in the air
I looked around,...

it was 
a Sunday morning

as my dream
slowly disappeared
into the business
a new born day

(c) JR. 2023

but her speech

donderdag 5 oktober 2023

A man of her own

he misses what he feels
feels what he misses
a woman of his own
out there somewhere
to have an' to hold
and she's waiting

she's out there waiting
where could he be
didn't he see
she misses him 
she misses him
as she feels
what he feels
a man
to have an' to hold
and she's waiting

(c) JR. 2020

zaterdag 30 september 2023

The road

so, I finally found you     (Man)
on this road
waiting for me
looking for shelter
for some warm hay
and I know
we will walk this road together
this road you chose to step on
every step, you will ever take

and  our journey     (woman)
wil it be long
will it be all of the way

I don't know            (Man)
this road  
it has no promise

I will be there          (Woman)
as long as you need me
as long as you're here
as long as you stay
it will be all of the way

it will not always be  (Man)
a bed of roses
there will be thorns
there wil be obstacles
but as long as love guides us
life's confrontations 
won't throw us
won't take us down
in any way

so when our days        (Woman)
have been lived
and our steps
have been satisfied
into their silence
our journey
will have come
to an end

yes..                            (Man)
and this road will see
no more reason
to count our steps
and pave our way 

(c) JR. 2022

An' ol' glass

a glass
it's getting old
breaking up
going to pieces
all that pleasure it gave
an' ol' glass
after all those memories
it faded away

and it breaks
it can't be replaced
all those memories...
breaking up
going to pieces

it breaks
an' breaks away
my caring fingers
it's memories
crushed to flinters

erasing all the names
drinking away
holding it, using it
drinking its pleasure
thinking it was great

a short
long life it's had
filled up to the rim
said no to a drink
never came second best
and never had any rest

and the ol' glass
it gave an' gave
it gave all its life
in an' unheard sigh
without any sign of fright
catching that last light

an' ol' glas
on the shelf
crushed to pieces
without shouting help
vanishing into the past
it just didn't last

(c) JR. 2023 remake 1985

dinsdag 26 september 2023

Steps of time

when I go
when I will go
it will be in a blast
of a brightness and its shine
with blue skies overhead
and a night's fortune 
by my side

with mornings 
that come an' go
and nights lost
their starry horror show

I will see
The Universe settling
I will see
my love coming down
waiting for me
an' my chrystal blue eyes
when I go to where
she has settled down

and when I go
I believe
there's nothing as cheap
as the air
on your breath
that doesn't leave
nothing as cheap
as the air you don't need
nothing as cheap
as the air you don't breathe

and at that border 
you're crossing
nothing's in distress
nothing's keeping you back
from seeing her coming down
the steps of time
gazing into 
your crystal blue eyes
where only 
The Universe shines

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 23 september 2023

After the love

after the thunder came the sun 
after the sun came the love
after the love came a child
after the child only love

and we've done our thing
we've done it well, we've grown
we got family

more than we should
more than we ever could
something we never knew

so, after the thunder came the sun
after the sun came the love
more than we should
more than we could
something we never knew

after the love, after the love
after the love.......................

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 22 september 2023


when life's empty
your soul's dying
and  promise
for it to live
so far away
as it doesn't
want to complain

an answer is all
what it needs
one that again
will make it strong
and able to compete

if nothing else
it's the only way
to stand your ground
and defeat its defeat
do what has to be done
that will make you whole
if not
completely complete

put your question
to the test
speak the words
you need to speak
you have nothing 
to lose
"yes "
is the only word
you wil want to
hear on her breath
when she speaks

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 21 september 2023


sometimes there's no reason
to care about
actions and their consequences
and sometimes we do

sometimes they age well
sometimes they don't

they are the things we do for love
they are the things no one will hear of
things that would take them apart
these things we do for love

sometimes they age wel
sometimes they don't

they are the things we do for love
they are the things no one will hear of
things that would take them apart
these things we do for love

sometimes they age wel
sometimes they don't
these things we do for love

(c) JR. 2023

dinsdag 19 september 2023


het is nier het ware
in zijn veelal 
onwaardig onware
dat rondreist
en soms
als een kluister
om ieder heen zweeft

die zinnen 
doet verstommen
of weer doet spreken
naar een leugen
listig verweven
als een enige waarheid
aangeprezen ideaal

verstikt het zich
in zijn eigen geconstrueerde
blootgelegen ondergang
maar zelfs dan
gaat het in zijn wraakzucht 
niet vrijwillig heen

het in het zicht van
zijn naderende dood
in die wraakzucht
nog velen
aan hun dierbaren
laat ontvallen

voordat de waarheid
van zijn kluisters
weer onbezoedeld

zaterdag 16 september 2023


the morning rain comes
falling down
and you're waking up
to a darkness fading
life's challenges
will be waiting
in the wings
of their disbelieve

wasting time
if you can make it
on this path
of new opportunities
that you've taken

walking of
into your own
where your tomorrow
and your legacy
should be
worthwhile to the ones
who didn't think

or believe
you'd deliver
or make it
as they too
are the ones
in their future
who will have to stand
and deliver
their own legacy

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 26 augustus 2023


het was weer één van die avonden, in de zestiger jaren
vol met eten zang, dans en drank, de stemming zat er
helemaal in, het kon niet op. Weer was iedereen bij Leon
in zijn huis, hun favoriet, alle aandacht ging dan ook 
naar hem toe, hij deed zijn best, speelde er op los en...

er werd intens gebruikte, ook door Leon zelf
hij ging er helemaal in op, de spiritualiën vloeiden rijkelijk
meer en meer en met zijn plectrum tussen de tanden 
enigszins wel stoer, nam hij gretig weer een stevige slok
waarschijnlijk was het hem toch even wat teveel geworden
want hij zakte langzaam voorover, weg in een slaapverwekkende roes
niets verassend op zo'n avond en Leon mocht van zijn rust genieten

uiteindelijk, in de vroege uurtjes, ging de één na de ander
nog behoorlijk onder de invloed van de geneugten van die avond
op huis aan. Leon sliep als een roos, een liefdevol meisje
streek hem over zijn hoofd, lag een deken over hem heen
fluisterde zacht, 'welterusten Leon' en ging haar weegs

een week later, toch wel wat vreemd, had niemand ook maar iets
van Leon gehoord, misschien toch maar even gaan kijken dan, zijn deur
die open stond, was zo te zien nooit op slot gegaan en Leon
die zat nog steeds op zijn plaats, maat zag er niet zo meer appetijtelijk meer uit
en rook dan ook wel heel onaangenaam, zo onaangenaam dat het groepsgewijs
kotsen werd op de gang aldaar, het was duidelijk, Leon was niet echt meer zichzelf
en niet meer op deze aard

in zulke vreemde gevallen, kan je rekenen op het politieapparaat
altijd weer paraat en ter plekke op de plaats, Leon werd afgevoerd
kreeg een kaartje om zijn teen, waarna een autopsie zou worden gedaan
want dit overlijden was toch wel erg onverklaarbaar en erg onaanvaardbaar
de vrienden groep wachtte bedrukt en heel ontdaan af op wat kon zijn de oorzaak

lang was het wachten voordat de uitslag uit de doeken kon worden gedaan
een beetje triest en een beetje onaanvaardbaar, maar Leon was gestikt in een
klein stukje plastic zo te zien het plectrum van zijn gitaar, het werd 
zijn vriendenschaar duidelijk, dat hij die avond wel heel erg in ziin muziek
was opgegaan.

(c) JR. 2023

dinsdag 22 augustus 2023


 zo nu en dan
is er even geen
geconsolideerde rust en vrede
in de buurt van een getroffen
bijna afgestorven hart

omdat niets meer is wat het is
of lijkt
een eens tot bloei gekomen emotie
tot stilstand is gekomen
zich nog slechts kan wentelen
in al zijn oppervlakkigheid

een in zijn verzuurde ouderdom
opgehangen aan zijn eigen wijnrank
teruggetrokken verloren verpitloosde
verdroogde druif

(c) JR. 2023

zondag 20 augustus 2023


when you're in the process 
of a raging fire
promising you its sole emotion
comforting your soul
all you actually do need 
is, its loyalty 
trust and commitment
lasting a lifetime

(c) JR. 2023

dinsdag 15 augustus 2023

It's a homerun

I see her
walking down the street
with that fragrance of love
trailing behind
and I can see it in her eyes
it is more than she can
ever deny

so I see
I have choices
they have been lingering 
for a while
I dust them of one by one
realign my focus
I now have a mission
to my surprise

I meet up with her
and say 'Hi'
she looks up to me
and there's the smile

I'm on third base
almost home
I say 'coffee'
she nods, it's a homerun
I can see it in her eyes
than she can ever deny

(c) JR. 2023

maandag 14 augustus 2023

Pearly laugh

the winds of change
bring you home
and make you whisper
words of love into my ear

I then  wonder
what it would be like
if you were here
taking care of my soul
with your pearly laugh
taking care of my needs

your love for life
breathing your love for me
with words 
you know I want to hear 

promising me more
than I know 
I could  ever need
when the winds of change
bring you home
and makes you whisper
words of love
into my ear

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 12 augustus 2023

So close, so near

a rain has fallen
in places it needs to be
where accepting and acceptance
have now become the norm

where it's the reason they see
falling short in their emotion
but still they feel as they feel

they're the ones he cannot forget
but they're the ones he once had
'cause once she was in his emotion
so close so near

then ,... thinking she knew it all
she looks back in regret
at what she left
as it fell into an abyss
so close so near

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 10 augustus 2023


wanneer niets meer is
zoals het lijkt
een woord geworden is
dat niet meer verschijnt
het verleden
de toekomst is die blijft
daaraan ontsnappen
een mogelijkheid wordt
die verdwijnt

maar toch
dit geen keuze meer is
wordt deze keuze
de noodzaak
om aan de toekomst
van dit verleden
te ontkomen

weer zal het
vele offers vragen
om die 
nieuwe vrije toekomst
veilig te stellen
en door te geven

zal na verloop van tijd
het besef
van wat er nodig is geweest
om deze vrijheid
opnieuw veilig te stellen
weer vervagen
de offers worden herdacht
maar het besef verbleekt

om een vrijheid
te bewaren
zal deze
alleen gegarandeerd
kunnen blijven
iedereen een aanslag
op deze vrijheid
met de wapens
wil bewaren

'gebroken geweertje mentaliteit'
dat alleen maar ondergraven
een bevochten vrijheid
weer zijn
eigen graf kan graven

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 3 augustus 2023

Walking the line

and he doesn't know 
where he's going
the road ahead to him 
is unknown
'cause its lights shining 
are dim and far off
going into directions 
he cannot see

but he has this notion
this knowledge
this instinct of time 
and its demands 
where he knows
he doesn't have 
to worry

as his mental strengt
more than so often
and always
has led and guided him 
more trying times 
than this
where it coming 
through for him
has always been 
its strongest point
when a return 
to a past already 
dusty and grey
is off limits

and he will be doing 
what he does best
walking the line 
and he knows
he'll be fine

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 29 juli 2023

Royal Flush

het zijn de donderslagen
die stil vallen in hun nagalm
zonder naar hun plaats
in een verdwenen paradijs
teruggewezen te worden

weer een nacht
waar zij de stilte verstoren
slaap niet meer gaat worden gevat

het is dan de morgen
die met zijn geforceerde kalmte binnenvalt
hoelang nog voor dat de nacht zich
in al zijn eenzaamheid terugtrekt

en de morgen die ander verwacht
waarna het leven zich aanpast
zijn kaarten opnieuw schudt
begint met een Royal Flush

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 27 juli 2023


when the shadows 
of his thoughts
show themselves to him
he thinks it is nothing more
than an upset of the heart
as he pretends not to feel
the air his hands hold

where again it is
the love once there
until he no more
in his burst of pretence
can ignore it's gone

he had not been aware of
'cause pretence is a solution
for a sanity to remain sane
when everything else
has become 
an intolerable madness

as his pretence became
the only game in town
the shadows of his thoughts
now show themselves to him

asking him why he thinks
it is nothing more than
an upset of the heart
as his pretence in the end
is the only thing
that will not make him win

it will be common sense
that will rescue
and make him laugh again

(c) JR. 2023

dinsdag 25 juli 2023

Once so beautifull

when the feeling's gone
and you're left
with nothing more to give
nothing more to share
nothing more to have

following the steps
of your thoughts
the tender words said
are now lost

all the love
once so beautiful
has come to pass
in an convenient silence
now so sad

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 20 juli 2023

Vertrouwd duister

de laatste stralen
van een dalende zon
wegzakken in de koelte
van een naderende avond

in de ontsprongen rust
vogels zich alweer
aan de toesnellende nacht

waar zij eensgezind wachten
om hun plek weer te vinden
in het vertrouwde duister
dat hen opnieuw

(c) JR. 2023

Walking away

walking away
from lost sunshine
lost in all its arguments
and answers it doesn't have

walking away
from untrue loyalty
because it always stops
and ends somewhere

as words once said in confidence
are now in danger of being

and your world
crashing down on you
is no more the world
you had

walking away
is the best option 
you have

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 14 juli 2023

No matter what

a rose is a rose
no matter what
she will always give
het heart

she can laugh
cry in the shade
she can be vulnerable
shy away


she will always care
always share
the love she has

'cause a rose is a rose
and it's all she got
no matter, no matter
no matter...


(c) JR. 2023

dinsdag 11 juli 2023

Vele wegen naar Rome

er was geen weg
die hij niet belopen had
wegen vol succes, vol smart
van vervallen roem
van nu en toen, opgebroken
verlaten wegen
wegen die zich 
met een kruispunt  deelden
hij had ze allemaal gehad

maar nu zit hij op een weg
een weg
waarop hij niet meer terug kan
een weg
die afrekent met de goede
en minder goede
de met strafrecht belopen wegen

de wegen 
die naar een kruispunt leiden
een kruispunt in zijn leven
met nog
niet bewandelde wegen
die voor hem open staan
waar hij eerst rekenschap
voor moet afleggen
om verder te kunnen gaan
de grote schoonmaak 
van zijn geweten

waar spijt, verdriet
omzien in wrok en
egotripperij om elkaar strijden
waar op de valreep, geluk
en wroeging
een nog ongeschonden weg
kunnen inslaan
waarna de weg
van vergeving
voor hem open ligt

helaas zijn er
vele wegen die naar Rome leiden
er zijn er maar weinig
waar hij op terug kan gaan
en een nieuwe
niet bewandelde weg
kan nemen
het is maar voor welke hij kiest

(c) JR. 2023

maandag 10 juli 2023

A man of many seasons

on a Sunday morning with the sun out and children at play
a man of many seasons, stares into the distance where silence
is the only thing, that will survive in this wilderness before his eyes
as his mind is wandering back into his younger days, of strife, drive
and its ultimate goals of sacrifice on the road he had taken

where meeting obstacles, rising up to its confrontations
were a way of life, taking him further onto his road to the top
where he would leave his mark, at the finish line and he did
eventually he did arrive, his fortune made, his life complete
with a 'Running mate' by his side, he had done it all, everything
he had set out for to do, it was there before his very eyes

now happiness, can be a way of life, your state of mind
or, 'The love of your life' by your side, living the happy life
but keeping it, maintaining your 'status quo' , is another thing
he didn't reckon on, he got bored, was there nothing more to life
than this to strife for, was this what it was to be, no more
excitement to find or feel

his focus gone, things started to fall apart, his 'Running mate '
jumped ship with the kids, it all ran aground, a ship was wrecked and lost
down an' out, he wondered what went wrong, maybe taking it all for granted
was a mistake he hadn't counted on, a mistake he should never have made
but then again, mistakes are a part of the game, a tool for learning' a tool of
staying ahead of the game, 'cause they always will be there, always waiting
to strike on any given day

and he did learn, lying face down onto the ground, he started getting back up
getting back onto this road, he had started out on and strayed from, much older now
he knew , time was working against him and many battles would have to be fought
getting his business back on track, making it profitable, reliable and strong again
giving what he had worked so hard for, a new reason to stay and it did it found
solid ground, he was back on the road again, now life almost never gives 
second changes, this time it did and the man of many seasons, had learned his lesson
of the mistakes he had made

now looking out from his porch on a Sunday morning, with the sun out and the children at play
into the distance, where silence is the only thing that will survive in the wilderness before his eyes
he knows he has learned the hard way, but he will never stray again, even into his old age, he will
always stay ahead and at the top of his game.

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 8 juli 2023

Best Friend

when the night closes in
and the sun's found 
a new place to go down
a deafening sound of silence
is heard
as the love for life has
found no more grounds
to stay around

what remains is an emptiness
looking for a new place to dwell
it shouldn't be too hard to find
when every dark corner
has its own sound
of what loss of life
can be about

only the will to survive
is the reason
it doesn't always achieve
what it's aiming for
sometimes, darkness can be
the best friend you ever found
and its loyalty as always
will stick around

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 6 juli 2023

Even a silence

long into a silence
he sentenced himself to
goin' into a retreat
for something
he thought he should

is now coming back to him
more than he ever knew
more than it ever should

'cause a silence
should be a silence
even a silence
should be silent to

(c) JR. 2023

zondag 2 juli 2023


er is geen weg
terug van weggeweest
geen weg die aansluit
op een verloren verleden
geen weg die aan die weg
zijn neutraliteit verleent
er doorheen te reizen

zijn daar achter gebleven overblijfselen
zullen niet meer herkent worden
omdat de toekomst en zijn verleden
altijd de tegenhangers blijken te zijn

die zich vormend blijven afstoten
in de onzichtbaarheid
die zij met zich meedragen

(c) JR. 20223

donderdag 29 juni 2023


she's leaving
he sees the signs and he knows
her words spoken of love leave her lips
in complete emptiness

she thinks
he still believes them but he doesn't
as he hears her words hollow and bleek
disappearing into their loneliness of meaning
trying to reason with no reason

he knows he won't succeed
so he cuts his losses, coming out on top
stopping her barrage of words
with a promise in the end to be again
the person he used to be

(c) JR. 2023

Pleasant ways

 on a day of pleasant ways

I will drink your tea of happiness

an' its leafs will tell me how much

you're caught up in my sea of


(c) JR. 2023

zondag 25 juni 2023

Once a love

he's sitting there
in the aftermath 
of his thoughts
thinking about her
as her memory
mature like a fine wine
comes to mind

and tasting her lost bouquet
drowning his sorrow
into reminiscing
a love that once was
and never came again

he knows there's nothing
he can do nothing to keep
these memories away
tasting them

every time 
time after time
again and again
of once a love
that never came again

(c) JR. 2023

zaterdag 24 juni 2023


she's all he wants
his woman, his love
his confident

she will show him
what her love's made of
when she makes her move
giving him all she got

and his soul reaches out for her
showing her what he's made of
giving her all he's got
promising her even more...

than his love

(c) JR. 2023

Wereld van stilte

Een stem zwijgt...

een wereld van stilte begint

Celine Dion sings no more.

(c) JR. 2023

donderdag 15 juni 2023

Geestelijke Omslag

als de reden 
geen reden meer heeft
na een vastgelopen vertrouwen
opnieuw te vinden
in het geschonden, braakliggend land
achter de horizon
van een door
een geestelijke omslag
verloren hart

is het beter
het emotionele slagveld
te verlaten
de rust van een nieuwe 
gecreëerde Status Quo
op te zoeken

om dan op een opnieuw
geplaveide opgebroken weg
naar zijn einde toe te gaan
zodat ook de toekomst
weer een kans krijgt zich
na verloop van tijd
met een hoopvolle glimlach
te kunnen presenteren

(c) JR. 2023

woensdag 14 juni 2023

Chasing time

he's chasing time
just a game, trying out life
wondering where she is
when it all comes down
to his best days leaving town

and he's waiting for her
taking chances he hasn't got
asking questions
where answers are not
and when the silence comes
he knows what he has lost

and all the new tomorrows
cannot bring her back
and all his yesterdays have
come to a past disappearing
into a late afternoon's sun
going down where they said
their goodbye's
still chasing time

(c) 2023

dinsdag 13 juni 2023


when the sun's down
and night breezes in
he thinks of her, the one he knew
still admiring whom she was
how it went down and did end

as it took so long to build
and then faded so fast, when he confessed
what he felt, in his heart, soul and thoughts
as he knew she could never stay

and yes, she turned away
to where she should be and remain
it was the road he had chosen to take
being able to move on, as he should
but never leaving behind the love
he cherished, confessed and knew

(c) 12 juni 2023

maandag 12 juni 2023

The dancer

when life's the dance you've always wanted

and the melody of its steps, 

step in,  and take control of your heart

there's nothing so fulfilling 

when you're in full swing that life's the dancer 

who will never part while you're in charge

(c) JR. 2023

Fall back

young, starting out
not knowing life
what it is
and is not about
he fell, face down

life changed
and taught him
a valuable lesson
he would never forget

when you're weary
and down on your luck
'fall back, regroup
start over again'

so he stepped up
looking towards
a future
in which he would
not prosper as he should

his goals
now different
were still goals
he was aiming for

he knew
when you're weary
and down on your luck
it never is too late
to fall back, regroup
and start over again

following a path
necessarily celebrated
by the happy few
who couldn't see past
their limited notion

of what it means
to succeed
and he did succeed
in many ways
and it has brought him
where he is today
in everything he has done

willpower is the key
to everything
when you're weary
and down on your luck

it never is too late
to fall back, regroup
and start over again

(c) JR. 2023

vrijdag 2 juni 2023

Sad sad world

 a sad sad world

with its lonely tears


'till the morning comes

(c) JR. 2023

maandag 29 mei 2023

The road

I finally found you
on this road
waiting for me
looking for shelter
for some warm hay

and I know
we will walk this road together
this road, you chose to step on 
every step, you will ever take

and our journey
will it be long
will it be all the way

I don't know
this road
it has no promise,...

but I will be there
as long as you need me
as long as you are here
as long as you stay
it will be all of the way

and it will not always be
a bed of roses
there will be thorns
there will be obstacles
but as long as love guides us

life's confrontations
won't throw us
won't take us down
in any way

so when our days
have been lived
and our steps
have been satisfied
in their silence

our journey
will have come to an end
and this road will see
no more reason
to count our steps
and pave our way

(c) JR. 2023